Crazy Dreams

I don’t know about you, but I have crazy, intense, and vivid dreams. There are always strange things in them: like these reoccurring dreams where I can push off the ground with my feet to essentially slide on the air just above the ground. I’ve blasted through big stadiums and hallways doing this, just a couple of quick steps and zoom…

Strangely, my wild dreams took some kind of hiatus the last year or so. Then, I started journaling again. I did it to clear my head (I used it while going through a hectic and stressful period in my life), just to get some thoughts out: no writing prompts, no topic, just free write for five or ten minutes (with a timer).

I feel like it helps me focus. But, after doing this again, my crazy and wild dreams are back. Is there a relationship? I don’t know. I do enjoy having them back though.

Journaling is something you should try. If you have a hard time sleeping sometimes, do it just before bed. If you have invading thoughts when your working on tasks like studying, reading, or writing, make it part of your routine. Just puke those thoughts out on paper.

I suggest using a timer, that way you don’t end up using it as a way to procrastinate and avoid other things. Ten minutes is what I did in the past, now five minutes seems great.

Grab a journal you like, a pen your love, and see what comes out…


What happens when you lose inspiration?


Poetry: Write about Place